Visualize your past weeks’ thoughts

The Obsidian search and graph view can filter notes. You can view just the thoughts which you have created during a specific period of time. This is very handy for your regular reviews.

Obsidian uses the same filter syntax for file search and graph view

I use the tag permanentto distinguish thoughts from fleeting notes, e.g. volatile flashes, bits of information, literature notes.

To allow date filtering, I add the “created” date to the frontmatter of each markdown file. Example: created: 2024-01-13. Actually, the Obsidian Templater Plugin creates that property automatically for each new note.

Next, I construct a search filter using the Obsidian search box. The example above uses (tag:#permanent OR tag:#moc) [created:2023-01-] to show all thoughts I have created in January 2023.

To render the visual representation, I transfer that query to the global graph.
